Step Aside, Ranger - New Trailhead Trailblazer Ranks!

If you’ve been involved in the Salesforce ecosystem for any amount of time, you’ve likely heard of Salesforce Trailhead. Trailhead is Salesforce’s free learning platform where you can read up about Salesforce features, best practices, and values. You can spin up your own Trailhead Playgrounds (free Salesforce orgs) and perform hands-on activities and projects to prove and test your knowledge.

As you complete the Trails, Modules, and Superbadges throughout Trailhead you will begin to accumulate points and badges. These points and badges count towards your Trailblazer Rank.

Those of us who have completed more than 100 Badges and accumulated more than 50,000 points have achieved the rank of Ranger, and up until very recently that was the best there was.

The Trailhead team at Salesforce have just released five new Trailblazer Ranks for the completionists who are looking to flex their Salesforce knowledge a bit more.

You can check your current rank by heading over to Trailhead, but I’ve included a quick summary of the new rankings and their thresholds below.

  • Double Star Ranger (200 Badges, 100k Points)

  • Triple Star Ranger (300 Badges, 150k Points)

  • Four Star Ranger (400 Badges, 200k Points)

  • Five Star Ranger (500 Badges, 250k Points)

  • All Star Ranger (600 Badges, 300k Points)

As of right now, I’m a Triple Star Ranger, so I’ve got a fair way to go before I achieve the new top rank of All Star Ranger! I’m sure I’m not the only one who is feeling competitive and is going to spend the next few weeks with my head buried in Trailhead, trying to achieve the top rank once more.

Happy Trailblazing!

Tim Combridge

Tim is the Founder and Managing Director of Sensible Giraffe. He is an enthusiastic Salesforce professional who has been involved in the Ohana for over 5 years. Tim is also the Co-Leader of the Salesforce Brisbane User Group and holds numerous Salesforce Certifications.

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